Opening hours:
Tuesday through Sunday
10 am to 4 pm
Limited opening hours
on December 24 and 31: 10 am to 1 pm; Museum closed on December 25, 26 and January 1
Ticket prices:
Ticket: € 14,- (adults), € 9,- (students, seniors)
Vienna City Card: € 10,-
Wien Club: € 11,- (adults), € 7,- (students, seniors)
Free entry with NÖ-Card and Kulturpass.
Guided tours: € 4,50 p.P.
Guided tours: Every Friday at 2 pm in German language. Please register for the guided tour.
We also offer private guided tours for groups consisting of at least 10 people. Please inquire via E-Mail.
You can also visit the museum virtually outside of our opening hours: Virtual tour
Tel: +43 – 1 – 91 48 575
Mobile: +43 – 699 – 101 35 425
Ernst Fuchs was born in 1930 in the 16th district of Vienna – Ottakring.
In 1888, the renown Jugendstil architect Otto Wagner designed and built a summer house for himself and his family located in Hütteldorf